Saturday, June 12, 2010

Thoughts on journalism, ect.

Lately, i have been thinking about this whole journalism idea. I know i like writing, but do i have what it takes to get in the real world and talk about it? i see magazines, and newspapers all the time. I see what they talk about and the questions they ask its like a reporter. Are journalist reporters with a diffrent name? maybe. so I am going to make my own few topics then ask the questions get my answers and post my report. i dont know how many people will check it out, maybe millions maybe none. at least i'll have it for myself to go back. wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My neice paper

Final Draft
Drama,drama,drama! What should I say about drama? Dude, you can say almost anything about drama. Drama is just a word people use explaining or solving problems, causing a problem, and when they have issues. Everyone has drama in their lives and somtimes it's not their drama (like a friend of the family's issues). Drama comes and goes, it's just a part of life and you can't get rid of it. It's just there. So what do you do, when you have drama? That is my question. Well here is one thing I hear from most of the adults in my life; " Just ingore it, you don't need it or stay away from it." . Well, duh, like seriously,hello like I already knew that. What else can they tell me about how to deal with drama.Its kind of hard to listen to that kind of advice when you are stuck in the middle of it, seeing it and listening to it. Drama just comes and goes out of no where and stays forever.
School is a great starting place, It has drama everywhere. Mainly middle school through out highschool maybe even college. Many people are packed in a small area, and of course everyone has their own drama in which they share with you. Then you are stuck with that drama even after you leave school. When you're a teenager like me, who goes to school and gets surrounded by middle school drama. I have seen that there is all different types of drama in middle schools; Bullies, gossip girls,fighing drama, girl drama and boy drama too. All types of drama you can think of. Im not going to name all of it cause theres just to much. It's like no matter where you go it follows you. There is no way to get away from it. I only know this from personal experience!

Dude its like your in one room in a horror movie,show or dream right there in front of it,in it,around it and its like you cant get away from it and it only drives me conpleatly crazy. But what can you do? Well i guess you just try to ignore it and stay away from it the best you can. Thats what i try to do but its like really hard all at the same time. when it comes to you just tell people its non of my bissnus and I dont want any part of it. All it does is make you up set,takes away your consetration,gets you in trouble,causes fights and looses friend ship or reputation. Drama isent cool its just a word for everything you want to start up. im i right or what. Its like totally the truth and dont say its not cause it is. Just remember drama is there and will allways be there where ever you go or do. Just saying. Well thats what i have to say about drama. I really dont know what you have to say about it. It might be the same or diifrent or even kinda the same. Well we all have our diffrent opinions and this is mine and you just either read it or heared it

Boston Gardens



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