My name is not very common, my mom was in a phase and my father had no choice in the matter. My name came from a movie star although I am no movie star. Audrey is my first name. My father’s heritage lies on the Mexican border and Vasquez is my last name before I take a married name.
My dream for my future would be to have my ideas & writings, such as Little Black Book published. I’ll begin to make a name for myself by giving you my personally invented quote which helps to begin my legacy, “behind a window I sit & stare, as soon as it opens everything disappears.” But before I get ahead of myself, I’ll need my GED
as my first stepping stone.
I have noticed in this class, I am not alone, during the feeling of my third attempt to get this education. Hopefully third times the charm, also I found that I think more on paper then I do aloud.
Shelton Washington is the current city & state I reside in, though it is not my only home. I’ve lived in sunny California for most my life then moved to the great Boston Massachusetts, there was a city I loved a lot even if it was only one year we shared memories. Mexico was a country I enjoyed while being young when the times grew tough.
The travel-trailer I sleep in is very small for my taste. I have had a much bigger place of my own, but this is what I have now. In this semi-family situation, I still pay my own bills. No children to look after only my dog and my husband-to-be helps look after me
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